In Spend you have the option to exclude suppliers for certain types of KPIs. When you exclude a supplier, the supplier is not included in the KPIs based on the type for which you excluded the supplier. For example: % order related invoices. This excludes the supplier for all KPIs that use that KPI type.
Exclude a vendor from a type of KPI
- Navigate to Spend > Vendors.
- Click on the vendor you want to exclude. Is the vendor not visible? Check whether the period in the period selector is set correctly. Only vendors with spend in the selected period are shown.
- Click on 'KPI Settings' at the top right.
- Select one or more KPI types for which you want to exclude the supplier. Red means excluded.
- Close the pop-up window with the cross at the top right.
The vendor is now no longer included in the calculations for KPIs with the excluded KPI type. You may have to recalculate the KPI before the result is visible in the KPI score.
So see which vendors are excluded for a certain KPI type, simply select a KPI in Spend > KPI's and look under 'Vendors excluded from KPI calculation'.
To undo the exclusion of KPI types for a supplier, repeat the above steps. If a KPI type is red, the vendor is excluded for that KPI type. Click once on the KPI type to undo it.